This is YOUR dog training, wellness, and nutrition forum! We are starting this platform so we can build a stronger community for dog training, dog wellness and nutrition, it will be a place for Q&A community, problem solving, and getting assistance from others that are like minded and want to build a strong bond with their dog. As well, this will be a place for ALL things dog related, list of public dog friendly establishments, dog friendly festivals and arts markets, dog related stores, groomers, vets, and boarding recommendations. Feel free to ask any questions about dog training, detection, protection, behavioral issues, dog maintenance, wellness, nutrition, grooming, health checks, development, service dog and therapy dogs, are just a few examples.
Again, WELCOME to the Leash & Beyond K9 Solutions dog traning and wellness forum, feel free to invite fellow dog enthusiasts. We look forward to building this community and meeting you ALL.
‼️ Now, the house keeping rules, just be respectful, we don’t want drama, and no soliciting or spam. If it becomes a problem we will show you the door.
Looking forward to building this forum and community together!